Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.
Tool Kit Distribution : Tool Kit Distribution was also done time to time in accordance and supervision of Office of Development Commissioner Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi. Complete programme was sponcered by the department only..
Skill Development programmes : Our organization organize various skill development programmes which our sponcered by Office of Development Commissioner Handicrafts, Ministry of Textiles, New Delhi. Main aim of these programme is to provide platform to the artisans to get interact with other stake holders like design students, handicraft entrepreneurs, exporters and also with other deparments like industries, land development authorities, gst etc.
Marketing Event : To Support artisans and to provide platform where the domestic consumers get interect with the artisans. In these type of events artisans get an opportunity to display there craft to the consumers and get information about market trend, taste and feedback of the consumer so that artisans can do the adjusments which ultimately increases the sale..